There are so many sources of information on beauty trends and beauty resources. Tons in print and many more online. Most print resources have an online component. There are more legitimate and knowledgeable beauty advisors in this country. As much as we, at TSLMS, try to resist endorsing any particular person or publication over any other, there are simply some that just stand out.
FutureDerm Blog
One of the consistently best beauty blogs for over a decade has grown into a major influencer and cosmetic brand. As described here by its principal and founder, Nicki Zevola Benvenuti:
At the time I started, I was in medical school, studying to be a dermatologist. I thought that there was so much science behind skin care that wasn’t being talked about. Literally, some of the same ingredients I was learning about in the lab and the classroom were on the shelves at Sephora! And so, I started, a simple WordPress blog, to teach women the science behind skin care.
Today the blog has a wide following with around 25,000 Facebook followers. It has developed from simply a blog into a full blown media company with its own line of innovative skin care that individualizes its approach so that any woman’s skin is uniquely taken care of.
The topics of the blog range from whimsical and fun to scientific and serious. There are interviews with celebrities, such as a recent edition that includes insight into the importance of sunscreen by super movie star Nicole Kidman, in which she is reported as advocating through several sources:
“I wouldn’t have paid any attention to the [sunscreen] messaging if I had olive skin,” she said at a recent Neutrogena Sun Event (she’s a spokesperson for the brand). “But because I was so fair, I would burn within 15 minutes and my holiday would be over… I’m also pale and I want to stay pale.”
Her passion for sunscreen is about more than just having beautiful skin, it’s about keeping her and her family safe from skin cancer. “My parents have also had skin cancer, so I have to be really, really careful — I use the SPF 100. I know it sounds like a lot, but it isn’t. I use it on my kids. I use it on myself. I’ve always had to do that.” She told Allure. “It started because as a kid, I didn’t want to get freckles. Then, I started researching it, which is kind of my tendency anyway. I love to research. Because this is all scientifically based and clinically proven, it’s a very, very good fit for me because I have to have proof. That’s just kind of who I am… Being of Irish, English origin, skin cancer is a huge concern. You have to be diligent. It’s just a given, whether it’s genetically a part of your family, which it is in mine, or whether you’ve had a lot of sun exposure, we all have to be careful.” Kidman also admitted that while she wears sunscreen regularly now, she wasn’t as diligent in her youth. She stated that, as a result, she has had a “number of things removed,” including a basal cell.
FutureDerm’s blog will do a good job of keeping TSLMS members up-to-date on the world of cosmetic advancement and influencers. This, in turn, will help you be conversant and advise your clients on their skin care routines to support your work with them.
This giant of the industry was listed by as the number one beauty magazine. In their review they noted, “Allure is a women’s multimedia brand focused on beauty. Discover new hair ideas, makeup looks, skin-care advice, the best beauty products and tips, trends, and more from Allure, the first and only dedicated beauty magazine…. [It has] about 56 posts per week and 1,416,287 [Facebook fans and] 585,150 [Twitter followers]. While a lot of their articles and coverages are of brands and the latest on celebrities, they do have some really great pieces about skin health, making them a standout. One such article published on psoriasis focused on helping those afflicted feel confident and encouraging others to be accepting, all while providing some solid medical facts:
Undeniable progress has been made in the skin acceptance movement, but we still have a long way to go before skin conditions such as psoriasis aren’t viewed as a cross to bear, but as just another facet of someone’s appearance, like stretch marks, cellulite, and scars. Despite long-held misconceptions about psoriasis, it isn’t contagious or a result of improper hygiene or skin-care routines. “Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that is best known for causing thick, scaly pink to red plaques, most notably on areas that can get bumped or banged, though they can occur anywhere, including the genitals, scalp, and under the breasts,” says Adam Friedman, professor and chair of dermatology at George Washington University. Friedman says it’s important to note that psoriasis is not just a skin disorder, but rather inflammation that’s present throughout the whole body, which explains why it’s associated with other medical problems like arthritis and heart disease.
We think it makes sense to read Allure for this type of information, and to probably keep copies of the magazine in your offices.
Other Magazines and Blogs
There are literally thousands of other sources for information on the latest in skincare and beauty trends. It would be impossible to stay up on all of them. Our advice on this is to find the ones that focus on your area of specialization and follow them. This will help you stay both sharp and competitive. We consider it a form of continued education. Of course, our blog, which you are reading now, is one of those too.