Doris Day, MD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Publications That Changed My Practice: Literature review of Practice-Changing Publications
Kachiu C. Lee, MD, MPH
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
How to Run a Successful Dermatology Organization
Mark D. Kaufmann, MD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Private Equity Panel Discussion
David J. Goldberg, MD, JD, Jacqueline Watchmaker, MD, George J. Hruza, MD, MBA, FAAD, Steven Dayan, MD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Why I Sold
Steven Dayan, MD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Teaching and Communication in Clinic
Joslyn Kirby, MD, MS, MEd
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Modern Approach to the Aesthetics Practice
Sachin Shridharani, MD, FACS
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Laser Complications and the Law
David J. Goldberg, MD, JD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity
Why I Sold: Private Equity the Good the Bad and the Ugly
George J. Hruza, MD, MBA, FAAD
Plenary Session: Modernizing Your Practice and Ensuring Longevity