1. Cheryl Burgess, MD, FAAD
Dr. Cheryl Burgess is a board-certified dermatologist, the founder and president of the
Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery in Washington D.C., as well as one of
SCALE’s 2021 faculty members! She and her team show their hard work and talent
through their Instagram account with before and after photos of filler results, Dr. Burgess’
take on the newest treatments like QWO, product recommendations and skincare
Instagram Handle: @ctr4dermatology
Website: https://www.ctr4dermatology.com/
2. Jean Carruthers, MD, FRCSC
SCALE 2021 faculty member Dr. Jean Carruthers is a talented ophthalmologist and
Clinical Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of British
Columbia in Vancouver. In addition to her professional career, various media
appearances and publications, Dr. Carruthers is recognized as one of the pioneers of the
cosmetic use of botulinum A exotoxin, better known as Botox! Dr. Carruthers has a
personal IG, but her work is largely displayed through the Carruthers Cosmetic account
with impressive Botox results, skincare products that can be purchased through the
practice, and upcoming events that Dr. Carruthers will either be attending or speaking at.
Instagram Handle: @carrutherscosmetic, @jeandacarruthers
Website: https://carrutherscosmetic.com/
3. Suneel Chilukuri, MD, FAAD
Based in Houston, Dr. Suneel Chilukuri brings over 20 years of experience in cosmetic
dermatology and non-invasive procedures like the C-Lift, to his practice to help his
patients look and feel their best. Online, Dr. Chilukuri combines personal and
professional posts on Instagram, not only showing and explaining his work on patients
and announcing the events that he will be a part of, but also sharing his impressive
workout routines and fun family moments.
Instagram Handle: @refreshderm
Website: https://www.refreshdermatology.com/
4. Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS
The director of AboutSkin Dermatology in the Denver, CO area, and SCALE 2021 faculty
member, Dr. Joel Cohen uses his expertise in skin cancer treatments, facial
reconstruction, cosmetic surgery and laser surgery to help his patients maintain their
skin health and feel more confident in the skin they’re in. Dr. Cohen uses IG personally
to share posts of his family and dog, work-related accomplishments, as well as
dermatology related posts of skincare advice, latest publications he’s contributed to, and
events that he will be taking part in. The AboutSkin account is strictly for cosmetic
dermatology topics – fillers, procedures, products, tips, and more!
Instagram Handle: @jcohenderm, @aboutskindermatology
Website: https://www.aboutskinderm.com/
5. Deanne Mraz Robinson, MD
Dr. Deanne Mraz Robinson is a board-certified dermatologist with experience in medical,
surgical and cosmetic dermatology, the president and co-founder of Modern
Dermatology in Westport, CT, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale,
and a member of SCALE’s faculty for our 2021 meeting in Nashville! Dr. Robinson
shares her personal experience of her career in cosmetic dermatology on Instagram,
documenting her performing in-office procedures, article features, and glimpses of her
family life. Modern Dermatology also has an IG account that is used to show off Dr.
Robinson, Dr. Klein, and the rest of the team’s hard work and dedication to keeping their
patients happy and healthy.
Instagram Handle: @deannemrazrobinsonmd, @moderndermct
Website: https://www.moderndermct.com/
6. Doris Day, MD
Dr. Doris Day is a board-certified dermatologist specializing in laser, cosmetic, surgical
and aesthetic dermatology in addition to her role as a clinical associate professor of
dermatology at the New York University Langone Medical Center. To over 40k followers,
Dr. Day shares her work through patient results, article features, informative IGtv videos,
and the occasional IG Live discussions with other physicians!
Instagram Handle: @drdorisday
Website: https://dorisdaymd.com/
7. Sabrina G. Fabi, MD, FAAD, FAACS
World-renowned cosmetic dermatologist, trainer, author, medical correspondent for Fox5
News in San Diego, and SCALE faculty member, Dr. Sabrina Fabi has over 14 years of
experience in helping patients look and feel confident through cosmetic treatments such
as Ultherapy, vein treatments, fillers, neuromodulators, laser technologies, and body
contouring. The Cosmetic Laser Dermatology physician uses IG to share results of
various procedures, fun moments with plastic surgeon and fiance Dr. Steven Dayan,
virtual meet ups with the Gist, and info for her “Thriving in Aesthetics” online classes
(which offer CME credits!).
Instagram Handle: @sabrina.fabi, @cosmeticlaserdermatology
Website: https://clderm.com/
8. Patricia Farris, MD
Board-certified dermatologist and SCALE 2021 faculty member, Dr. Patrician Farris is
known for her holistic approach, her interest in the emerging field of nutricosmetics, and
expertise in injection techniques for natural facial rejuvenation. While Dr. Farris does not
use Instagram personally, her work and her colleagues’ work can be seen on the Sanova
Dermatology account page. Their followers gain access to posts with special treatment
offers, skincare sales, and teases to their blog which is linked in the bio.
Instagram Handle: @sanovadermatology
Website: https://www.sanovadermatology.com/
9. Arisa Ortiz, MD
2021 SCALE faculty member, Dr. Arisa Ortiz, is a board-certified dermatologist and
director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at UC San Diego Health specializing in laser
skin resurfacing, dermal filler and toxin injections, body contouring, skin tightening, and
the scar treatment, with the best and latest procedures and products. Her Instagram
account is used to document and share what it’s like to be a cosmetic dermatologist as
well as explain and demonstrate procedures, and share patient results through photos,
IGtv, and reels!
Instagram Handle: @arisaortizmd
Website: https://providers.ucsd.edu/details/22438/dermatology
10. David J. Goldberg, MD, JD
Dr. David Goldberg is board-certified dermatologist and director of Skin Laser & Surgery
Specialists. With over 30 years of experience in the field, Dr. Goldberg uses his expertise
in lasers, cosmetic dermatology and non-invasive facial and body rejuvenation
techniques to treat patients at both his New York and New Jersey practice locations. The
SLSS Instagram page highlights Dr. Goldberg’s various accomplishments in cosmetic
dermatology with posts sharing articles Dr. Goldberg was quoted or featured in,
upcoming conferences he plans to take part in, awards that he and the practice have
received, and skincare advice for patients.
Instagram Handle: @skinandlasers
Website: https://www.skinandlasers.com/
11. Julie C. Harper, MD
Dr. Julie Harper is the owner of the Dermatology & Skin Care Center for Birmingham as
well as a Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Alabama –
Birmingham, and a 2021 SCALE faculty member for our 16th Annual Meeting in August.
While Dr. Harper doesn’t have an Instagram account that she uses personally, her
practice page is full of specials for patients including their Botox express hours, skin care
product recommendations and tips, plus inspirational quotes to brighten followers’ days.
Instagram Handle: @dermatologyandskincarecenter
Website: https://www.bhamdermatology.com/
12. Deirdre Hooper, MD
2021 SCALE faculty member Dr. Deirdre Hooper is a board certified dermatologist and
Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology at both Louisiana State
University and Tulane University as well as a physician at Audubon Dermatology in New
Orleans. Her experience in medical, cosmetic, and laser dermatology attracts both
patients and the media to seek her expertise on looking and feeling confident through
cosmetic procedures. On her personal Instagram account, Dr. Hooper is much like any
other wife and mother of 3, with posts of family, friends, and pets littering her page. The
Audubon Dermatology account is more reflective of her professional life and the work
that she and her colleagues perform at their practice. Followers can find impressive
before and after pictures of real patients, special offers on in-office treatments, and
story-worthy skincare graphics.
Instagram Handle: @deirdrehoopermd, @audubondermatology
Website: https://www.audubondermatology.com/
13. Michael S. Kaminer, MD
Beyond being one of SCALE’s 2021 faculty members, an Associate Clinical Professor of
Dermatology at Yale, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Brown
Medical School, Dr. Michael Kaminer is also one of the founding partners of the Skin
Care Physicians, a Boston-based dermatology practice that houses 17 physicians to
provide comprehensive, patient-focused care. Dr. Kaminer has his own Instagram that
he uses to share his work as a cosmetic dermatology expert, sharing happy patient
reviews, publications and articles he’s authored or been featured in, conferences and
events attended, and the occasional personal post about his family.
Instagram Handle: @michaelkaminermd, @skincarephysicians
Website: https://www.skincarephysicians.net/
14. Sachin M. Shridharani, MD, FACS
2021 faculty member Dr. Sachin Shridharani is a board-certified plastic surgeon and the
founder of LUXERGERY in Manhattan, and is considered an innovator in the field of
plastic surgery for championing drainless abdominoplasty, TubelessTuckSM and
developing his signature body and facial contouring technique, Surgery in a SyringeSM.
On Instagram, Dr. Shridharani demonstrates procedures and treatments on patients,
shares before and after results, and exhibits some of the over 100 peer-reviewed
articles, textbook chapters, and abstracts he has co-authored.
Instagram Handle: @luxurgery
Website: https://www.luxurgerynyc.com/
15. Terrence Keaney, MD
Dr. Terrence Keaney is the co-founder of Washington DC-based dermatology practice,
Skin DC, as well as one of 20 Master Injectors for Botox and Juvederm products, the
Brand Spokesman for Dove Men + Care, and a SCALE 2021 faculty member. Dr.
Keaney’s expertise in cosmetic injections and laser surgery can be seen on both his
personal Instagram account and the SkinDC account pages with videos and photos of
satisfied patients and impressive results, article features, and a series called “Dr. TK
Debunks”, where Dr. Keaney debunks common skincare and procedure myths.
Instagram Handle: @drtkeaney, @skindc
Website: https://www.skindcderm.com/
16. Eric Bernstein, MD
2021 SCALE faculty member, Dr. Eric Bernstein, is Director of Main Line Center for
Laser Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology Centers and one of the world’s leading
experts on laser medicine and surgery with over 20 issued and pending patents for laser
technology in the US and Internationally. Dr. Bernstein uses his personal Instagram
account to share his personal life with his family and pets, but his expertise can be seen
on the practice’s account, showcasing the numerous events, conferences, and
symposiums Dr. Bernstein is invited to, patient specials, and awards won.
Instagram Handle: @bernieman, @mainlinelaser
Website: https://dermguy.com/
17. Christine Dierickx, MD
Based in Luxembourg, 2021 faculty member Dr. Christine Dierickx is the director of the
Skinperium Clinic, and an expert in laser surgery and cosmetic injections, helping
patients treat a variety of conditions including dilated vessels, brown age spots, sun
related skin damage, scars, tattoos, hair removal, wrinkles, skin laxity, localized fat
deposits, benign tumors of the skin, precancerous lesions. The Skinperium Instagram
account uses aesthetically pleasing images to explain skincare topics, procedures, and
advice – in both French and English!
Instagram Handle: @drcdierickx
Website: https://www.drdierickx.lu/
18. Michelle Henry, MD, FAAD
Harvard trained Dermatologic/Mohs surgeon, 2021 SCALE faculty member Dr. Michelle
Henry practices at Skin & Aesthetic Surgery of Manhattan in the Midtown East
neighborhood of Manhattan, NYC, where she uses her talent and expertise to help
patients treat and prevent skin cancer as well as look their best through aesthetic
treatments. Dr. Henry’s Instagram account is a testament to her dedication to the field of
cosmetic medicine and skin cancer treatment, with article and media feature posts, fun
IGtv videos with Kiehl’s, and relatable skincare memes.
Instagram Handle: @drmichellehenry
Website: https://www.skinaestheticsurgery.com/
19. George J. Hruza, MD, MBA,FAAD
SCALE 2021 faculty member, Dr. George Hruza is the Medical Director of Laser &
Dermatologic Surgery Center in St. Louis, MO, as well as an Adjunct Professor of
Dermatology at St. Louis University. Specializing in laser surgery and skin cancer
treatments, Dr. Hruza completed a Mohs and dermatologic surgery fellowship with Dr.
Fred Mohs, developer of the Mohs surgery technique for precise skin cancer removal.
His Instagram captures his love of travel and hiking, as well as his commitment to his
career showcasing his home office life and webinar events he’s attended.
Instagram Handle: @georgehruza
Website: https://lasersurgeryusa.com/
20. Bruce Katz, MD
SCALE faculty member, Dr. Bruce Katz directs JUVA Skin and Laser Center in New York
City with over 30 years of experience in cosmetic medicine, and specializes in
non-invasive procedures and laser treatments. Additionally, he helps run the JUVA
Foundation Research Center, a facility that conducts national clinical studies on new
technologies and products coming into the U.S. including SmartLipo, Cellulaze, and
SculpSure procedures. On Instagram, Dr. Katz’s expertise can be seen through posts of
his patients, demonstration videos of the latest treatments, and posts sharing events that
Dr. Katz will be speaking at or attending.
Instagram Handle: @juvaskinandlasercenter
Website: https://www.juvaskin.com/
21. Joely Kaufman, MD
Dr. Joely Kaufman is a SCALE faculty member for our 16th Annual Meeting in August
this year, as well as a board-certified dermatologist for the Skin Associates of South
Florida, where she specializes in laser treatments and various cosmetic procedures. Dr.
Kaufman uses her personal Instagram account to share pictures of her family and
friends, vacations, and workouts. Her career in dermatology is more visible through the
Skin Associates page, where they share posts of the treatments offered, skincare advice
via shareable graphics, and product recommendations.
Instagram Handle: @sflskin
Website: https://www.skinassociatesfl.com/
22. Arielle Kauvar, MD
Dr. Arielle Kauvar, one of our SCALE 2021 faculty members, is the founding director of
New York Laser & Skin Care in NYC, and has been caring for patients for over 18 years
following her philosophy of using minimally invasive procedures for maximum skin care
results and long term benefits. On her Instagram account, it’s clear that Dr. Kauvar is an
expert in her field with posts of meetings and conferences she’s been invited to attend,
posts searching for clinical trial participants, and general skincare advice.
Instagram Handle: @ariellekauvar_md
Website: http://www.nylaserskincare.com/
23. Suzanne Kilmer, MD
Dr. Suzanne Kilmer is the founder of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern
California, Clinical Professor at the University of California – Davis, and a member of
SCALE’s 2021 faculty for our Annual Meeting in Nashville. Dr. Kilmer specializes in laser
treatments, and was a principal investigator in the original trials for laser skin resurfacing,
laser hair removal, pulsed dye and fractional lasers for wrinkles and scars, picosecond
laser treatment of tattoos, pigmented lesions, acne scars and pico-toning, microwave
technology for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, cryolipolysis, tissue tightening and body
shaping devices, and several cosmetic injectable studies. Her personal Instagram
account is used for personal posts, but her work in cosmetic medicine can be seen
through the Laser & Skin Surgery Center page. The account page highlights and
celebrates staff members with their Filter-Free Confidence posts, as well as showcasing
the latest procedures, and weekly IG Lives with Dr. Kilmer.
Instagram Handle: @dr.kilmer, @laserandskinca
Website: https://www.skinlasers.com/
24. Gary D. Monheit, MD
2021 SCALE faculty member, Dr. Gary Monheit, practices at Total Skin and Beauty
Dermatology Center, with several locations in Alabama. Dr. Monheit has expertise in the
areas of skin resurfacing, chemical peeling, dermabrasion, lasers, dermatologic cosmetic
surgery, Mohs surgery and reconstruction, and hair transplant surgery. The Total Skin
and Beauty account on Instagram uses fun, bold graphics to draw in potential patients
with specials and giveaways on products and treatments, as well as the occasional
message from a physician or esthetician highlight.
Instagram Handle: @totalskinandbeauty
Website: https://totalskinandbeauty.com/
25. Nazanin Saedi, MD FAAD
Dr. Nazanin Saedi is the Director of Jefferson Laser Surgery and Cosmetic Center where
she specializes in injectable treatments and laser and energy based devices, as well as
one of our 2021 faculty members for the 16th Annual SCALE Meeting in Nashville. Her
Instagram account demonstrates her talent and dedication to cosmetic dermatology, with
posts of in-office treatments, articles and media appearances she’s been in, and general
skincare advice and tips including what products she uses, and debunking myths.
Instagram Handle: @drnazsaedi
Website: https://www.doctorsaedi.com/
26. Todd Schlesinger, MD
Dr. Todd Schlesinger is a board-certified Dermatologist, dermasurgeon and cosmetic
dermatologist, the director of the Dermatology and Laser Center of Charleston, and a
SCALE faculty member. Dr. Schlesinger uses his personal IG account to share his
experiences as a dermatologist with photos and videos of events and conferences he’s
attended as well as posts of family and friends, pets, and vacations. The Derm and
Laser Instagram page is used to communicate with patients, using graphic posts to
remind followers to take care of their skin, advertise office specials, and share skincare
statistics and facts.
Instagram Handle: @toddschlesingermd, @dermandlaser
Website: https://dermandlaser.com/
27. Emil A. Tanghetti, MD
SCALE faculty member, Dr. Emil Tanghetti is a board-certified dermatologist and the
medical director of the Center for Dermatology and Laser Surgery located in
Sacramento, CA. His expertise in laser surgery and cosmetic dermatology helps patients
look and feel their best. On Instagram, the Center for Dermatology and Laser Surgery
page uses graphics to discuss skincare and nutrition, skincare products for sale, and any
articles or events that Dr. Tanghetti was featured in.
Instagram Handle: @centerfordermandlasersurgery
Website: https://dermatologyandlasersurgery.com/
28. Susan H. Weinkle MD, FAAD
Dr. Susan Weinkle is not only a board-certified dermatologist, skilled Mohs surgeon, and
an assistant clinical professor of Dermatology at the University of South Florida, but also
a member of our 2021 faculty! She uses Instagram to share both personal and
professional posts of her and her colleagues in the office, relatable skincare memes, and
photos of events and conferences she’s attended.
Instagram Handle: @susanhweinklemd
Website: https://www.susanweinkle.com/
29. Jonathan Weiss, MD, FAAD
SCALE 2021 faculty member, Dr. Jonathan Weiss has been a member of Georgia
Dermatology Partners since 1991 in addition to being an adjunct assistant clinical
professor of Dermatology at Emory University School of Medicine. Although Dr. Weiss
doesn’t use IG personally, the GA Derm Partners account page showcases the
incredible work he and his colleagues have done. The page is full of skincare advice,
treatment explanations, patient results, and fun Friday Pick Me Up TikToks.
Instagram Handle: @gadermpartners
Website: https://www.georgiadermatologypartners.com/