Choosing the best cosmetic procedure is a daunting task in and of itself. Many cosmetic procedures, whether they be full-blown plastic surgery or minimally invasive procedures, have a major impact on your physical appearance and potentially your overall health. On top of that decision-making process, patients must also find a cosmetic surgeon they can trust and come up with a way to pay for the procedure! This creates a situation where many individuals considering cosmetic procedures become overwhelmed by the number of decisions they need to make.
Unfortunately, there is yet another key decision that some patients fail to consider. Namely, whether or not it is a proactive choice to combine cosmetic procedures. We will explore this question today by examining the pros and cons of undergoing multiple cosmetic procedures at once.
**Note, as of the writing of this article, SCALE 2020 has not been postponed or canceled. We are carefully monitoring ongoing events including recommendations/guidance from the US CDC and the World Health Organization.**
The Benefits of Combining Cosmetic Procedures
Fewer procedures = lesser overall risk
Many of the risks associated with cosmetic surgery stem from anesthesia and the overall surgery process more than the nature of the surgery itself. Anesthesia is perhaps the most dangerous part of any non-life threatening procedure. For this reason, opting to combine cosmetic procedures allows patients to undergo only one instance of anesthesia rather than multiple instances.
Combining cosmetic procedures saves on cost
Another huge pro of choosing to combine cosmetic procedures comes down to saving money. Combining procedures requires less time from your cosmetic surgeon, anesthesiologists, nurses, PAs, receptionists, and also requires fewer materials. All of this translates into a reduced cost for you!
More efficient cosmetic procedures save time
As an extension of this thought, combining procedures also saves the patient’s time in the long run. By managing a single appointment rather than multiple appointments for multiple procedures, patients can get their desired results without unnecessary inconveniences. It is also true that even minimally invasive cosmetic procedures frequently come with some discomfort, downtime, or another slight recovery period. Many patients prefer to recover all at once over recovering, undergoing another procedure, recovering again, and so on.
Multiple procedures mean maximum results
Last but not least, if you are a patient considering multiple cosmetic procedures, you are likely hoping to see dramatic results. What better way to transform your body and your life than committing to making that positive change? Undergoing all of your desired cosmetic procedures in one sitting doesn’t just reduce risk and save your money, it also gets you what you want even faster!
The Potential Drawbacks of Combining Cosmetic Procedures
A potentially longer and more difficult recovery process
We already discussed the potential advantage of needing to recover just once from your cosmetic procedures. For many patients, this certainly holds true. Yet it is important to understand the exact nature of your recovery time. Recovering from multiple procedures at once is more efficient, but it also has the potential to be more painful, debilitating, and lengthier in a single setting. It is very important to speak with your cosmetic surgeon to understand what your recovery process would be like with or without combining procedures.
Combining cosmetic procedures comes with its own risks
Again, there are risk reductions when it comes to a single dose of anesthesia vs. multiple. It is also true that longer procedures require stronger doses of anesthesia, which comes with its own unique set of potential complications. It is also true that combining certain cosmetic surgical procedures may actually carry higher inherent risks. For example, combining liposuction with other procedures has been shown to raise the risk of complications from 0.7% to 3-5%. Note that this is a very specific example, and is not true of all cosmetic procedures.
Choosing the best option for you
As you can probably gather from what we have discussed here today, there is no singular right answer between combining or not combining cosmetic procedures. The one constant is that patients should work with their cosmetic surgeons to understand the potential risks and rewards of combining procedures before making a decision. No two individuals are exactly alike, nor are two procedures exactly alike. Stay safe and enjoy the results!
Join us at SCALE 2020 for the Latest in Cosmetic Procedures!
This July 22-25th, join us at the world-famous Music City Convention Center in downtown Nashville for SCALE 2020! The annual Symposium for Cosmetic Advances & Laser Education is bigger and better than ever. We are proud to present a wide range of exhibitors and sponsors who will be discussing topics ranging from robotic dermatological surgeries to acne to non-invasive cosmetic procedures.
Register now to reserve your spot to the premier multidisciplinary meeting for aesthetic medicine, surgery, and dermatology in the United States.
2020 Exhibitors & Sponsors
Elite sponsors: Allergan & Galderma
Platinum sponsors: Body by BTL, Crown Aesthetics, Cynosure, Merz Aesthetics, Ortho Dermatologics, Solta Medical
Gold sponsors: AbbVie, Crystal Clear, DefenAge, Evolus, SkinCeuticals, Sun Pharma