While most people still think of women when they think about cosmetic surgery, it is a fact that more and more men are having procedures done. Plastic surgery and beauty standards can be achieved with the help of Music City Scale. This does not just seem to be a flash trend – all of the indicators show this is something to anticipate long term. The trick for us, at TSLMS and others in our industry, is to follow this and understand not only the current state but also what the future holds. This will allow us to maintain our skills through training and practice, and also to assure that we have strong business models that will stand up to the competition and the test of time. The success of our members and readers is key to our own success, as well, so as an organization we have a vested interest in making sure that this works and that men keep getting good quality work.
Right now, it seems that there are 3 particular procedures that more men are getting. These are following the trend line of increasing in popularity. Essentially, as noted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, “Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Men’s goals may include a more balanced nose, a rejuvenated face and a trimmer waistline. The procedures used to achieve these goals must take into consideration factors such as skin thickness, beard growth or body type.”
Surgery For The Nose: Men’s Rhinoplasty
A men’s nose job is an investment to the tune of around $6,000, depending on the market. And while the numbers of women getting nose jobs is going down (something like 43%), in the case of men they are going up. In fact, rhinoplasty is one of the most popular men’s elective surgeries. As more men get their noses re-done, it becomes more acceptable, leading to more men getting nose-jobs – a cycle that doesn’t seem to be dissipating. As the Boston Medical Center puts it:
Rhinoplasty is traditionally thought of a procedure to make the nose smaller while lifting of the tip. While this may be some of the goals for women undergoing rhinoplasty, some males wishing to change the shape of their nose are not interested in “feminizing” the nose. The nose plays a critical role in how we view the face – so placing a feminine nose on a masculine face may disrupt facial harmony.
The classic approach to an aesthetically pleasing nose is based on measurements along the nose, forehead, and lips… Gender plays an important role in this. Sometimes, this means straightening the nose and only slightly lifting the tip without narrowing it. Other times, it may mean reducing the hump on the nose without making it “dainty”. Rhinoplasty for men should not have rigid definitions that result in the same type of nose that would be sought after by women. Making sure that the nose is better proportioned in both function and look while maintaining the masculinity of the nose is crucial.
We think it is great that more men are embracing changing their nose! It is certainly empowering to be able to face the world with a nose that makes them feel their very best.
Facial Rejuvenation Is For Men Too
Men’s skin is different than women’s skin. This is something that we have previously covered, and which you can read about in our piece, Men’s Skin Just Isn’t The Same, where it is pointed out that:
“Typical male dermis is about 20 percent thicker than female dermis, but thicker is not necessarily tougher. A thicker dermis means that men have fewer and less pronounced superficial wrinkles compared to women, Dr. Camacho noted. But men also have more robust skeletal musculature. That larger muscle mass translates into deeper expression lines compared to women. Dermatologists must consider those differences in wrinkles and expression lines when planning procedures.”
That said, it is important that anyone offering facial rejuvenation procedures for men is prepared to treat men’s skin as men’s skin. These procedures are becoming increasingly popular in men, especially men over 50 who are in white collar careers but are afraid that appearing old will slow them down and make them less competitive for top positions. WebMD has a great piece that addresses why facial rejuvenation is rising in popularity among this segment of the population:
“A man’s fear of being phased out of the marketplace because he doesn’t look as young as his colleagues is very real. Today, more than ever, there is competition with the younger guys, and a lot of men are beginning to feel it,” says dermatologic surgeon David Goldberg, MD, director of Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey. “It’s not about looking younger so much as it is about looking well-rested, like you have the energy to go the distance.” While diet and exercise can help put that bounce back in a man’s step, you can also help level the playing field with skin treatments — nonsurgical medical procedures designed to give your appearance that rested, relaxed look… unlike many women who want treatments that help them look as young as possible, Schlessinger says men typically want a look that is “rested, relaxed, and comfortable…Men want to maintain their rugged looks — they don’t want to eliminate lines, just soften the look of aging and revitalize their skin.”
A quick search online for men’s facial rejuvenation will land plenty of results in almost any place anyone reading this lives. If you are a provider, like our members are, make sure you add these procedures to your website so you show up in those searches.
It’s All In the Waist: Men Want Slimmer Figures
Even though we are all about procedures, we are going to join the entire medical community in advocating for diet and exercise as a waist-line control for men. However, we understand that this isn’t going to optimize results for all of our clients. For those there are methods that include CoolSculpting and Liposuction. These fat reduction and toning techniques, one non-invasive and one surgical, are drawing more and more male clients to practices. While not as popular as the other two procedures, it is definitely a rising tide in the masculine circles. And as these procedures become even more common place you will see us provide more education through this venue and our annual SCALE Music City meeting and conference.